Category: South African

Hertzoggies (Sweet South African coconut meringue pastry)

Fully baked Hertzoggies

Afternoon tea just isn’t the same without a Hertzoggie. A cheeky guilty pleasure!

Lepelsteeltjies (South African savoury snack)

Lepelsteeltjies savoury snack

Sweet and salt meets in one bite to give you a taste explosion that will unlock long-forgotten memories.

Spicy pasta salad (with tomato ketchup dressing)

Tamatiesous pasta slaai

A lovely pasta salad with a curry and tomato ketchup dressing. Make this a day in advance to allow the flavours to develop.

Koeksisters with a Rooibos tea twist

Single strand koeksister

Traditional South African koeksisters with a rooibos tea infusion.

Fuss-free Pork Ribs (in your Instant Pot!)

Fuss-free Instant Pot Ribs

Easy, fall-off-the-bone pork ribs. Made in the Instant Pot ensures that the whole experience is fuss free all whilst ensuring maximum flavour. This will be the best ribs you’ll ever make! For the full recipe plus tips and tricks on how to cook these ribs in the Instant pot visit Life, with Clotted Cream.